Leveraging Big Data, Open Innovation and Digital Technology for Sustainable Environmental Performance: A Synergistic Approach

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Pirthipal Harvey Steven


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between big data, external knowledge, crowdsourcing, open innovation, digital technology and sustainable environmental performance in manufacturing sector in United States of America (USA). The study collected a sample of 373 responses and data was analyzed using JASP 0.19.0. The study found that the impact of big data is significant on external knowledge, open innovation and crowdsourcing. The study further found that external knowledge and crowdsourcing have a significant impact on open innovation and open innovation has a significant impact on digital technology and sustainable environmental performance. While the study also found that digital technology has a significant impact on sustainable environmental performance. The study is novel as previously there was gaps in literature, and recommendations of this study can foster a culture of sustainable environmental performance in manufacturing sector in USA.


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Steven, P. H. (2024). Leveraging Big Data, Open Innovation and Digital Technology for Sustainable Environmental Performance: A Synergistic Approach. Business Review of Digital Revolution, 4(2), 31-42. https://doi.org/10.70890/BRDR.2024.4203


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